In 2035, Will we become a society that no longer determines one's self-worth based on your career, job, or what you do to earn a living? Will our focus shift to People, Planet, Education, and the Welfare of all Beings? Why your only job that matters is to be HUMAN.
The Young Christian Workers movement, especially during the 30s, 40s, & 50s, focused on bettering workers' lives. A key focus of Joseph Cardijn was the welfare of workers in our society. Better education for workers and their families. And most significantly, over the general interest of people and living with dignity.
The Challenge of Technology in every age begs the question, "How should we live our journey in life?" As we read the writings, work, and life of Joseph Cardijn, the movements he initiated with the help of many in the world to bring about awareness of what the Greater Good means and how to live one's life for the Greater Good, the one question that was paramount during Cardijn lifetime and is ours today is how do we observe, discern, judge, and act in a manner that brings about the greater good for the common good of everyone on this planet.
Creating an approach through Cultural Change & Emerging Technology will boldly take Humanity where it never dreamed of going. Are We Ready?
Understanding that Technology is Anthropology is an approach to living life as a human and deciding & Thriving through Cultural Change & Emerging Technology. This is where the SEE-JUDGE-ACT methods will help us maneuver the "yellow brick road" of life. As we move away from the industrial revolution, which was the world Cardijn found himself addressing, and we move to a world where new emerging technologies are boldly taking Humanity where it never dreamed of going, using the See-Judge-Act methods will be a vital tool for all of Humanity, organizations, and businesses to decide better and thrive as we adapt to the change.
We need to SEE, What possibilities will change society by accelerating the technological evolution of computers, artificial intelligence, robots, and other technological developments in the arts and sciences.
Do we know how to JUDGE what is happening?
Do we UNDERSTAND and DISCERN how technology changes our lives, jobs, society, culture, and religion?
How will we as a society ACT as we experience societal phase change? Over the next ten years, we will see dramatic changes in healthcare, shopping, customer service, and manufacturing.
The SEE-JUDGE-ACT methodology allows us to look closer into the future and the lives we never thought technology would touch. The methodology will enable us to understand better the difference in being a human being and the difference it makes. If we use the method, we should be able to focus on the greater good for People, Planet, Education, and the Welfare of all Beings.
I want to share with you the Franciscan perspective on the See-Judge-Methodology as a process of discernment.
We take the SJA method and expand the thinking and observing processes, which fits nicely with understanding emerging technology better. A key component is seeing and identifying PATTERNS. For you ice hockey fans, you understand this from what Wayne Gretzky once said: “I skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been.” If we think about this, the SJA methods allow us and give us the means to know where to go and how to get there. If only Gretzky had employed the methods in his life, there may have been fewer controversies.